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Watch the video above for a helpful, quick tour of the event seeker experience!

We refer to casual users of the events calendar system as Event Seekers. The capabilities of Event Seeker are significantly different from our previous service, where users remained anonymous and could only extract information from the event website. Localist allows the creation of end-user accounts that help users to establish their in-system identity.

Create an Account

Members of the Stanford community can and should use their SUNet ID for account creation. This makes it easier for users to find and follow their friends; in addition, at some point, you may find that you need to request Event Publisher capabilities for your student organization, or University department. Only SUNet IDs will be granted that access.

The system does allow the creation of accounts using any valid email address, to give users outside of Stanford the ability to use the features afforded by logging in.

To create your account, visit the Signup link in the upper right corner of the website.