Bookmarking / Add to custom feed
The legacy events calendar had a unique feature called Bookmarks. Bookmarking allowed event admins to add events hosted by other departments to their own department’s XML feed for import into their own website. Localist does not support this bespoke feature. University Communications has built a custom app that allows event admins to add any event to their own custom feed(s), which can then be imported into their website using the Drupal event importer.
Note: Feeds are formatted so they can be consumed by the Drupal event importer. If you’re pulling a JSON feed to your site via some other method, the custom feeds may work for you as well.
Before you start
Before you can populate a custom feed, you must first submit a SNOW ticket requesting the creation of a custom feed, and identifying which event admin(s) on Localist should be allowed to add events to that feed.
Adding events to a custom feed

When logged in to Localist as an event admin, you will see an Add to custom feed button at the bottom of every event’s detail page (on the front end).

Clicking that button will take you to a page where you can specify which custom feed you want to add the event to. Select the correct feed and click Add to selected feed.
You will be taken to a page that provides a link for the feed, which will look like Copy and save this link – you will provide this link to the Drupal importer to import your bookmarked events into your website.