This tab displays an overview of all platform activity related to your account. It includes notification of friend requests from other users, notifications of users who have requested to join Departments or Groups you manage, a list of the events you are organizing (those you have entered in to the system directly), a list of any events you’ve entered that are still pending (not yet published), and list of user activity – yours, your friends’, and Departments and Groups you manage. At the very top are links to build yourself an email digest to inform you of events in the system that fit your custom criteria as well an embeddable widget that you can use to display events in the system that fit your custom criteria on your own website.
My Calendar
This tab lists all events you have expressed interest in by clicking the “Save” button, events sponsored by the Departments and Groups you follow, and events that are happening at Places you follow.
On this tab, you are able to view message threads between you and your friends on the platform and send new messages to those people.
On this tab, you can easily view the People, Places, and Departments/Groups you follow.
While viewing the People tab, you can invite people you know who might be interested in the Events calendar by entering a comma or line-separated list of email addresses into the Invite friends box in the left column. Friends you are already connected to are listed in the right column; you can click their names to view their public profile page.
While viewing the Places tab, the “Search places…” field will search the system for all places related to a word or phrase entered and you will be directed to a search results page after pressing enter. If you start typing the “Add a favorite place” box you can start to type the name of a Stanford place and it will begin to display a list of places that match; when you find the place you are looking for you can click its name and quickly add it to your list of “Places you follow” displayed in the right column.
While viewing the Departments and Groups tab, the “Search departments…” field will search the system for all departments related to the word/phrase entered. Similarly, “Search groups…” field will search the system for all groups related to the word/phrase entered. Below, the Departments and Groups you already follow are listed in the right column with links to browse the Department and Group listings or build a widget to display their events on your own website.